Time sure flies by so quick. It is already now my one month birthday! It apparently is REALLY, REALLY important that I celebrate the first month birthday, and do so in a big way! So we ended up having a nice party for me at the restaurant!
My grandma is so happy! She was all over the place that night!
A lot of people said congratulations to her, my grandpa, my parents, uncles ....... i feel so happy that so many people are happy that I am growing!

This is Uncle Gary, he's one of my daddy's best friend, and you can tell that I am very comfy in his arms. A lot more people get to hold me that night, and they look at me very happily because I was a good girl(?)
Daddy didn't really like how some of the photos came out, so he's fixing them at his free time. Seems like it was very complex but well I don't care as long as I look good in the pictures and sure I did ^o^

They call this dessert wine and they used it to celebrate my birthday! When daddy opened the wine, the cork flew to the ceiling and the reflection hit someone! Ouch! hopefully the person is okay ...... daddy said he felt a little drunk after drinking a little bit but I think he was drunk to begin with!
I am so lucky I got so many gifts!!!!I should show you what they are when I have the chance!
Now I need to sleep - like this photo said - SEE YA!!
Happy one month birthday!