First Post - Hello World! - HOME
Greetings!! Nice to meet you all here, hope you are having a good time looking around and seeing how I grow. (Well as the title of this blog, I DO have a lot of growing to do)
So let's go back to the very beginning, I think I heard my parents said something like "She was born on September 2, 2011 at 11:47PM". So I learned that 1.) My name is Sara, 2.) I was born on September 2, and I almost came to the world on the next day!!!! (Although I really don't know what the difference will be other than I celebrate my birthdays one day later) I weighted 7 lbs 13 oz, a rather big size for someone who came out of their mum's tummy naturally. (Now I weight a little bit more than that, how much? that's a secret - for now. hahahah -ok just kidding, my mum just weighted me at home, and i should come up to about 4 kg, makes it heavier but that means I'm healthy & eating (a lot)!)

So my time inside the hospital was entirely on this bed with other babies with their own beds. There were two ways my parents can see me: 1. When my mum feeds me(or practice feeding me) with breast milk, and 2. my daddy came to see me at certain times. (Mostly in the afternoon only) This was the first photo daddy took when he and some friends and colleagues from the office came to visit us! I didn't know there were so many people who came to see me since you can see I was sleeping very well! As I get used to this place and my mummy had recovered, we are ready to go home! Thank you mum, it must been very hard work for you!
My grandfather drove us home and it was a smooth ride! I was sleeping so well until we got home! After we got home, we settled down with my new bed, and then...... more sleeping!! Life is just so good now that i do some kung fu fighting in my sleep!!! =D
Hello baby Sara! Welcome!